
Tuesday 6 August 2019

asthma problems in your house

There are thousands of breed cockroaches that live all over the world. all over the midwest, there are two common groups of cockroach that people come under the contact with most often the American cockroaches and the german cockroaches The American cockroach is best known for being the largest house breach cockroach, while the German roach is known as the most common breed. one more difference between the two breeds is that German cockroaches are more often found living inside homes and other buildings, while the American cockroach is more often found living outside on trees, under mulch, in garden areas, or heavily landscaped areas. Here is some information about the large American roach, including how to quickly eliminate them from your home if they find their way innards this summer 

While American cockroaches prefer to live outside, they do often find their way inside homes when the warmer summer condition causes them to become more alive; they may also move inside homes to rescue the summer Warmth. Inside homes, this breed prefers to take up residence in damp, Shade places like storages, drag spaces, and underneath kitchen and bathroom sinks. American roaches are typically identified by their large size; adults can grow more than 2 inches in length! They also have a unique yellowish-coloured figure-8 like marking on the back of their head, which makes them easy to differentiate from others breed.

American cockroaches may not be found living in homes as commonly as other species, but keeping them out of your home this upcoming summer season is still very important in order to keep your family safe from their health threats. Before entering a home, American roaches travel through and live in some very dirty, unhygienic places including sewers, debris piles, and drains; during their travels, they will pick-up many different bacteria, parasites, and human pathogens on their bodies and legs. Now, image all the bacteria and diseases that they will spread once they enter into your home and begin to travel across your dishes and utensils, crawl across your bathrooms and kitchen counters, and don't forget about those apples you have stored on your kitchen table. Talk about a nightmare! American cockroaches will also leave behind trails of excrement and shed skins, both of which can trigger allergic reactions in people and are known for causing asthmas attacks in young children and the elderly. Finally, the presence of roaches is known to create a musty, unpleasant odour inside of your home 

To protect your house from cockroaches & termites choose fumitech Quarantine for your safety. we are using only "WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION" approved chemicals for your safety  we strictly banned harmful chemicals to our customers' safety and  environmental security